Adaptogens are widely used in various areas of clinical and sports medicine to increase the general nonspecific resistance of the body to various stressors of endogenous and exogenous nature. The leading place in terms of importance among them is still given to the means of natural (especially plant) origin.
In studies of the Research Institute of Occupational Health of RAMS the systemic character of different types of pharmacological activity of polyprenols (PP) and triterpenic acids (TTA) of Siberian fir contained in conifers was revealed on laboratory animals under the action of adverse pathogenic factors modeled in experiment. Eleutherococcus extract liquid was used as a reference drug in the experiments.
The general stress reaction in male rats weighing 170 to 180 g was caused by immobilizing them in a supine position for 16 hours, as described in the work. The studied PP was administered orally immediately before fixation of the animals at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg. The comparison drug — Eleutherococcus extract liquid (pre-de-alcoholized) — was administered similarly to PP at a dose of 0.2 ml/100 g body weight. The efficacy of PP as a potential adaptogenic agent was assessed by the degree to which they prevented changes in body weight, as well as in the weight of the adrenal glands, goiter gland (thymus), spleen and liver observed during stress, and biochemical markers. The number of ulcers formed in the stomach of rats was calculated.
It was shown that under conditions of immobilization stress the application of PP was quite pronounced: it prevented the hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and the reduction of ascorbic acid and cholesterol supplies in them. They also reliably protected the thymus and spleen from involution. PP and trophic disorders in the gastric mucosa were significantly relieved, reducing the number of bleeding ulcers in it. The serum urea and glucose contents of rats treated with PP were lower than those of controls. It should also be noted that in rats treated with PP, the loss in total body weight was not significant. The studied PPs demonstrated an effect similar to the effect of Eleutherococcus extract. Overall, it has been shown that PPs similarly to Eleutherococcus extract (but to a greater extent) have the potential to prevent the consequences of stress-induced effects on animals due to excessive muscle tension. In this connection, the revealed stress-protective (adaptogenic) effect of PP extracted from fir may be of great practical importance from the point of view of the opening perspectives for the use of medicines created on their basis in various spheres of practical human activity.
In studies of the Research Institute of Occupational Health of RAMS the systemic character of different types of pharmacological activity of polyprenols (PP) and triterpenic acids (TTA) of Siberian fir contained in conifers was revealed on laboratory animals under the action of adverse pathogenic factors modeled in experiment. Eleutherococcus extract liquid was used as a reference drug in the experiments.
The general stress reaction in male rats weighing 170 to 180 g was caused by immobilizing them in a supine position for 16 hours, as described in the work. The studied PP was administered orally immediately before fixation of the animals at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg. The comparison drug — Eleutherococcus extract liquid (pre-de-alcoholized) — was administered similarly to PP at a dose of 0.2 ml/100 g body weight. The efficacy of PP as a potential adaptogenic agent was assessed by the degree to which they prevented changes in body weight, as well as in the weight of the adrenal glands, goiter gland (thymus), spleen and liver observed during stress, and biochemical markers. The number of ulcers formed in the stomach of rats was calculated.
It was shown that under conditions of immobilization stress the application of PP was quite pronounced: it prevented the hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and the reduction of ascorbic acid and cholesterol supplies in them. They also reliably protected the thymus and spleen from involution. PP and trophic disorders in the gastric mucosa were significantly relieved, reducing the number of bleeding ulcers in it. The serum urea and glucose contents of rats treated with PP were lower than those of controls. It should also be noted that in rats treated with PP, the loss in total body weight was not significant. The studied PPs demonstrated an effect similar to the effect of Eleutherococcus extract. Overall, it has been shown that PPs similarly to Eleutherococcus extract (but to a greater extent) have the potential to prevent the consequences of stress-induced effects on animals due to excessive muscle tension. In this connection, the revealed stress-protective (adaptogenic) effect of PP extracted from fir may be of great practical importance from the point of view of the opening perspectives for the use of medicines created on their basis in various spheres of practical human activity.
R&D report "Report on toxicity of plant growth regulator — preparation Verva VE (20g/l of triterpene acids) and active substance — fir extract in experiments on warm-blooded animals" // Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Research Institute of Occupational Health of RAMS Head: N.F. Izmerov. Performed by: T.K. Nikitenko. M. 2004. 19 p. - No GR 01840051145. – Inv. No 04534333943.
I.V. Dardymov Ginseng, eleutherococcus (to the mechanism of biological action). Moscow: Nauka, 1976. 186 p.
V.N. Syrov, T.V. Khurshkainen, A.V. Tsaruk and others. Adaptogenic properties of polyprenols extracted from woody greens of fir trees, under immobilization stress in rats//Chemopharmaceutical Journal. 2012. Vol. 46. No. 7. PP.34-36.
I.O. Garnov, A.V. Kuchin, N.K. Mazina, E.M. Karpova, E.R. Bojko. Fir extracts as a means of increase of physiological reserves of an organism // Izvestia, Komi SC UB RAS. 2014. No.3 (19)
I.V. Dardymov Ginseng, eleutherococcus (to the mechanism of biological action). Moscow: Nauka, 1976. 186 p.
V.N. Syrov, T.V. Khurshkainen, A.V. Tsaruk and others. Adaptogenic properties of polyprenols extracted from woody greens of fir trees, under immobilization stress in rats//Chemopharmaceutical Journal. 2012. Vol. 46. No. 7. PP.34-36.
I.O. Garnov, A.V. Kuchin, N.K. Mazina, E.M. Karpova, E.R. Bojko. Fir extracts as a means of increase of physiological reserves of an organism // Izvestia, Komi SC UB RAS. 2014. No.3 (19)