n the studies of the Orenburg State Agrarian University the anti-radiation properties of Siberian fir extract in experiments conducted on laboratory white mongrel rats are described. The phytopreparation Florenta, a concentrated extract of Siberian fir greens, was used for the study.
The results showed that a single external total body irradiation of rats at a dose of 6 Gy (LD50/30) suppresses the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione reductase (GR), which is one of the key elements of the body's antioxidant defense. Significant decrease of GR activity by 38% falls on the latent period of acute radiation sickness (day 7). Decrease in the activity of antioxidant enzyme entails a significant increase in the content of lipid peroxidation product (LPO) — malondialdehyde in the corresponding period of the disease.
Feeding the preparation "Florenta" before radiation exposure decreases MDA growth during these periods against the background of preserved functional activity of glutathione reductase enzyme. The effect of correction of antioxidant system parameters of the rat organism by means of taking the preparation "Florenta" was observed after irradiation, but was slightly weaker. The results of the studies indicate that, normally, antibodies to the lysate of their own erythrocytes are detected in rats and evaluated by the Uanye reaction as "traces". Irradiation at a dose of 6.0 Gy (LD50/30) causes the accumulation of autoantibodies in the peripheral blood of irradiated animals with an assessment of the Uanye reaction
both positive and sharply positive. The response reached sharply positive values (2-4 points) on the 5th to 7th day after irradiation. Autoantibody-producing cells in the peripheral blood of intact rats were recorded in the range of 1 to 2 percent. Exposure to radiation at the indicated dose increased their content in all terms of the study. Administration of the studied drug to rats with water contributed to the attenuation of autoimmune reactions. The difference in the titers of autoantibodies to the lysate of own erythrocytes and in the number of plaque-
forming cells in the blood of animals before and after irradiation was reliable in the periods characterizing the latent period and the height of the disease.
Thus, daily oral administration of phytopreparation "Florenta" to rats at a dose of 5-7 ml/kg with water or feed for a week has a radioprotective effect, providing a reliable correction of the studied indicators of antioxidant and immune system at acute radiation exposure at a mean lethal dose.
V.Yu. Safonova, V.A. Safonova. Antiradiation properties of Sibirian fir extract//Izvestia, Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2012. No2 (34).286 p.
I.O. Garnov, A.V. Kuchin, N.K. Mazina, E.M. Karpova, E.R. Bojko. Fir extracts as a means of increase of physiological reserves of an organism // Izvestia, Komi SC UB RAS. 2014. No.3 (19)